Friday, January 16, 2009

Hogan 2007-2008 Business Outcome Highlights

Hogan Assessment Systems has released its 2007-2008 Business Outcome Highlights study, featuring return on investment (ROI) data from nine unique research studies. This study covers a wide range of industries, including communication, transportation, law enforcement, pharmaceutical, finance, insurance, and more. Highlights from the Hogan Business Outcome study include:

Using the Hogan selection process for financial advisors rewarded a substantial $8 million return on investment.

Transportation drivers meeting the high-fit criteria in the Hogan process had a 16% lower accident rate.

Managing partners who matched the Hogan profile averaged $175,000 more in sales than those not meeting the profile.

Using Hogan tools to select sales representatives for just one year dropped turnover rates by 30%.

The goal of each ROI study is to demonstrate the value of using the Hogan tools. Hogan's 2007-2008 Business Outcome Highlights study shows significant ROI results from the most rigorous research standards, providing companies with proof that Hogan assessments predict job performance.

View the complete study on our web page here:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

John Holland

John Holland, author of the Vocational Preference Inventory, died last month.

Dr. Robert Hogan writes about the lessons he learned from the Psychologist who most influenced his career.

Read the paper at: